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    Xfinity Makes Customers' Voice Wishes Come True by Aaron Baar , December 22, 2017
    People seem to expect a lot out of their voice-controlled remotes, and in the spirit of holiday cheer, Comcast is dramatizing some of the craziest requests.
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  2. According to Gartner, phone interactions will drop from 41% to 12% over the next five years, as consumers keep going digital. Businesses that excel in digital customer service will clearly have a leg up over the competition in this new world. Here are seven proven ways to get there quickly and easily.
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  3. A dedicated sales force plays a key role in business-to-business customer experience management (B2B CXM): the typical sales cycle ranges from three to twelve months, and 91% of participating companies in the ClearAction B2B CXM best practices study said they sell B2B products and services through a dedicated sales force. How do these facts uniquely affect B2B customer experience (CX)?
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  4. Clarabridge is a US based company and one of the prominent player in sentiment analytics market. It offers numerous analytics services. The company states that sentiment analytics has been used in text analytics form by enterprises from past several years. The company provides solutions that deliver customer insights, associated to product and service features if projected correctly. This detailed, explanatory analysis complements common high-level satisfaction measures. Sentiment analysis can be applied to enterprise feedback and social monitoring and response, sentiment technologies deliver a key voice of the customer asset. IBM Watson through its natural language understanding provides numerous API platform for text analytics that is capable of understanding and analyzing varied characteristics such as sentiment, entity, emotion, keyword, concept tagging, language, and taxonomy.
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  5. Customer loyalty is still looked upon as a holy grail in customer relationship management and marketing. We want loyal customers as they don’t just have a strong connection with our company and buy more, sometimes even willing to pay a premium, but also because they are prone to become true brand advocates.
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  6. Kristina Nicolas will proudly tell you that she’s been doing practically all her shopping online for years now. She will also tell you, in a more exasperated voice, that this has not remotely abbreviated the amount of time she spends going to stores.
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  7. Client talk creates opportunities to help customers become more successful over time.

    What really makes a difference, though, is whether or not you listen for voiced, potentially strategic opportunities.

    On the other hand, do you have a short attention span when working with clients?

    If so, you listen to clients for the sole purpose of achieving tactical closure on the conversation. Client care becomes just another item on your daily To-Do list, instead of a strategic imperative.
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  8. And…that’s a wrap for 2017! We are thrilled to report that we’ve published well over 100 blog posts this year. Aside from being a great resource for everything online feedback, the Mopinion blog covers a wide range of digital topics and trends. From Customer Experience and User Experience to the Online Customer Journey and the rise of Mobile, we’ve written articles catered to every digital role.

    So let’s take a few moments and reflect on Mopinion’s Top 10 Hottest Blog Posts of 2017!
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  9. With rising customer expectations, the need to deliver an exceptional customer experience (CX) is at an all-time high. And frankly, the best way to achieve this superior level of CX is to visualise it – which is often done using a process called customer journey mapping. A customer journey map essentially tells the story of the customer’s experience – which starts at the initial point of contact all the way through to a long-term relationship – giving us critical information about key interactions along the way. For this process to be a successful one and because it can be quite complex, many business seek the assistance of customer journey mapping tools.
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  10. As a reader of the Userlane blog and someone who is interested in customer success, you probably already know that this particular discipline is mostly found in business-to-business sector where companies sell their products or services to other companies. Of course, there are some forward-thinking business-to-customer companies who are trying their hand at customer success, but for the most part, it is a B2B kind of a game.
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Mopinion is a proud sponsor of voice of customer news. The voice of the online customer is taking on an increasingly important role when it comes to improving websites and apps. So web analysts and digital marketeers are making more and more use of Voice of customer Tools in order to collect Voice of customer. Mopinion takes it one step further and offers a solution to analyse and visualise Voice of customer results from your websites and apps wherever you need them. The real challenge for companies is not about capturing feedback, it is about how to make sense of the data.