The NPS, or Net Promoter Score, is an indicator that measures customer loyalty. Created in 2003 by Fred Reichheld, consultant at Bain & Company, it is based on an assessment of the customer’s likelihood to recommend, usually accompanied by a question such as “Which elements motivated your rating ?”. The customer is asked to give a score between 0 and 10, according to which he will be classified into one of the 3 following categories : “promoter” if the score is 9 or 10, “passive” if the score is 7 or 8, or “detractor” if it is between 0 and 6.
And…that’s a wrap for 2017! We are thrilled to report that we’ve published well over 100 blog posts this year. Aside from being a great resource for everything online feedback, the Mopinion blog covers a wide range of digital topics and trends. From Customer Experience and User Experience to the Online Customer Journey and the rise of Mobile, we’ve written articles catered to every digital role.
So let’s take a few moments and reflect on Mopinion’s Top 10 Hottest Blog Posts of 2017!