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  1. A pioneer in world business and CEO of HSN, Mindy Grossman once said “I believe in accessibility. I believe in honesty and a culture that supports that. And you can’t have that if you’re not open to receiving feedback.” Bill Gates, the richest man in the world said, “We all need people who will give us feedback. That’s how we improve.” Why is it not surprising that successful business leaders and entrepreneurs are always the ones who are wanting to take feedback from their customers?
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  2. Collecting and analysing in-app feedback can be very straightforward – provided that you have the right tools and methodology in place to do so. In a previous article, we outlined several reasons why collecting in-app feedback is important for the mobile user experience. The next step is to demonstrate how this feedback can be collected. There are three options to choose from when it comes to collecting feedback in-app – all of which offer their own advantages and drawbacks. These methods include: Webviews, SDKs and APIs.
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  3. After much of the global economy went into recession back in 2008, public confidence in financial institutions took an equally dramatic dive. Whatever the reality, a large percentage of public and media opinion shifted blame towards global ‘bankers’, unseen financial professionals that were painted as the villains of the crisis. Perception and reputation are difficult concepts to quantify, often the evidence for good or bad reactions is anecdotal and is noticeable from talking to individuals or groups. Because the perception and reputation of any business is vital to its on-going success (and indeed its survival!) the use of Voice of the Customer (VoC) technology has become a common and highly prized asset, which the financial sector is readily embracing.
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  4. The NPS, or Net Promoter Score, is an indicator that measures customer loyalty. Created in 2003 by Fred Reichheld, consultant at Bain & Company, it is based on an assessment of the customer’s likelihood to recommend, usually accompanied by a question such as “Which elements motivated your rating ?”. The customer is asked to give a score between 0 and 10, according to which he will be classified into one of the 3 following categories : “promoter” if the score is 9 or 10, “passive” if the score is 7 or 8, or “detractor” if it is between 0 and 6.
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  5. For digital marketers and product owners, understanding the need for mobile optimisation will be critical in the coming year. In a study carried out by Statista, in the third quarter of 2017, nearly 53% of global web traffic originated from mobile devices. This is a huge jump from the previous year and it’s expected to rise even more in 2018. So what will this rise in mobile users mean for businesses? The answer is simple. They will need to provide an optimal mobile experience. And one of the best ways to do this is give them a voice – through in-app feedback.
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  6. Not seeing the results or improvements you expected to see from your customer listening efforts?

    Why is that? What’s going on?

    I’ve been known to cite two reasons for VoC program ineffectiveness...
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  7. Clarabridge is a US based company and one of the prominent player in sentiment analytics market. It offers numerous analytics services. The company states that sentiment analytics has been used in text analytics form by enterprises from past several years. The company provides solutions that deliver customer insights, associated to product and service features if projected correctly. This detailed, explanatory analysis complements common high-level satisfaction measures. Sentiment analysis can be applied to enterprise feedback and social monitoring and response, sentiment technologies deliver a key voice of the customer asset. IBM Watson through its natural language understanding provides numerous API platform for text analytics that is capable of understanding and analyzing varied characteristics such as sentiment, entity, emotion, keyword, concept tagging, language, and taxonomy.
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  8. Voice of the Customer (VoC) is much more than an actual voice. It is a combination of voices captured at various customer touch points. It is an intricate process used to capture both quantitative and qualitative information from customers. Information such as their requirements, preferences and feedback; in other words, a gold mine of data! This information is what you’re supposed to be using to chisel away what the customer don’t want and deliver the best quality product or service. What you may think is an excellent addition to your product or service may be an annoyance to the customer, and the VoC helps you identify that – forcing you to look at things from the customers’ perspective.
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  9. When it comes to customer loyalty it’s very easy for businesses to focus on those people that have had problems or issues and want to complain.
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  10. Collecting and analysing feedback is one thing, but bringing it to a profitable conclusion by taking action is what makes the whole feedback process worthwhile. We refer to this last step as ‘closing the feedback loop’. This is a key concept in managing the online customer experience, which is why it’s important that this step is not overlooked. It’s also imperative that this step is carried out as efficiently and effectively as possible. To do this, close collaboration is often required. The question is, what does this collaboration look like?
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Mopinion: The Leading Voice of customer Tool

Mopinion is a proud sponsor of voice of customer news. The voice of the online customer is taking on an increasingly important role when it comes to improving websites and apps. So web analysts and digital marketeers are making more and more use of Voice of customer Tools in order to collect Voice of customer. Mopinion takes it one step further and offers a solution to analyse and visualise Voice of customer results from your websites and apps wherever you need them. The real challenge for companies is not about capturing feedback, it is about how to make sense of the data.