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  1. The essence of business never changes: engaging the customer, every day.

    This is not just the source of revenue: the customer experience – and perspective – remains the "early warning system" to show if things are not working, says Karen Penrose, director at Bank of Queensland. "Trust is remade on every customer encounter," she says.

    But these days, there are other stakeholders that business must engage: governments, regulators, employees, suppliers, investors, funders and the general public. "In the modern environment, questions get raised (about a business) by a whole host of interested, invested individuals," she says.
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  2. Companies are often so focused on front-line touchpoints with customers that they ignore the impact an incorrect bill, a late order or claim can have on customer satisfaction. Here are some tips for making sure “backstage” employees are part of your CX program, too.
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  3. Potential customers often mistake Synup for a full service marketing agency. It isn't — its product focusses solely on managing the local marketing and reputation of businesses. It doesn’t take care of, for example, content marketing.
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  4. A pioneer in world business and CEO of HSN, Mindy Grossman once said “I believe in accessibility. I believe in honesty and a culture that supports that. And you can’t have that if you’re not open to receiving feedback.” Bill Gates, the richest man in the world said, “We all need people who will give us feedback. That’s how we improve.” Why is it not surprising that successful business leaders and entrepreneurs are always the ones who are wanting to take feedback from their customers?
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  5. Do you feel like you’re not making the progress in your customer experience transformation efforts that you thought/hoped you would by now?

    You started years (not months – it’s a journey – it takes time!) ago, but you don’t think your organization has evolved.

    What’s the reason for that?
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  6. According to Accenture’s just-released Digital Consumer Survey, sales of home-based intelligent assistants such as Amazon Echo of Google Home grew more than 50% in every one of the 21 different countries the company surveyed. And according to a new research from Adobe Digital Insights (ADI), voice-assistant sales grew 103% year over year in the fourth quarter of 2017. Adobe also found that 22% of voice assistant owners said that they shop using voice commands.
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  7. Let’s face it — content is at the core of modern marketing communications. Content that is useful, helpful or entertaining will win mind-share and wallet-share as we move ahead into a marketplace where multiple parties are competing for the attention of potential customers.
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  8. Most brands recognize that customer-listening programs add value to their overall experience. However, almost all struggle to move beyond the basics of satisfaction scores and net promoter scores (NPS).
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  9. One of the questions I am often asked by organizations is “How do other companies use customer feedback?” Fortunately, the answer to that question is simple because most organizations use customer feedback to create PowerPoint reports or Excel spreadsheets to track performance. They might tie results to compensation or be used to coach front-line employees. These are all good uses of customer feedback, but in many cases, lead to chasing a score versus driving organizational change. The real question should be “How do other companies take action on their customer feedback?”
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  10. As customer experience management practices and technology have matured, the ways in which companies capture and use customer feedback has transformed on multiple levels.

    Here are 10 ways that illustrate this transformation in VoC programmes from ‘then’ to ‘now’:
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Mopinion: The Leading Voice of customer Tool

Mopinion is a proud sponsor of voice of customer news. The voice of the online customer is taking on an increasingly important role when it comes to improving websites and apps. So web analysts and digital marketeers are making more and more use of Voice of customer Tools in order to collect Voice of customer. Mopinion takes it one step further and offers a solution to analyse and visualise Voice of customer results from your websites and apps wherever you need them. The real challenge for companies is not about capturing feedback, it is about how to make sense of the data.