Over the last few years the financial services sector has made significant improvements in the decisions it makes that affect customers. The major fines that resulted in big newspaper headlines a decade ago have dwindled, but at the same time customers still lack trust. A YouGov poll last year found that more than half of British consumers (55%) don’t think banks are working in their customers’ best interests. Given that it has never been so easy to switch a bank account or change insurance companies this has long-term negative consequences for financial institutions.
Most brands recognize that customer-listening programs add value to their overall experience. However, almost all struggle to move beyond the basics of satisfaction scores and net promoter scores (NPS).
Do you collect customer feedback? Are you using it to address the problems your customers actually experience?
You may have found that Net Promoter Scores are great for learning what customers feel, but don’t provide specific insights.
Unstructured comments are rich with detail, but with over 80,000 comments per month coming into Atlassian, it’s Voice of the Customer team couldn’t effectively categorize and measure what that information meant.