eringilliam: technology*

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  1. As marketers, we can be too quick to chase innovation for innovation’s sake. Shiny, new digital platforms that have a lot of buzz about them can tempt brands in but too often they don’t deliver on the promise and become white elephants.

    At Just Eat, our vision is to create the world’s greatest food community. In essence, connecting customers with the restaurants (and the food) they want around the world.

    Our diverse restaurant partners, be they a local curry house, an up-and-coming cafe in Manchester or a national brand, such as KFC, are our lifeblood. Everything we do is focused on delivering on that partnership. From a marketing perspective this means we need to continually find ways to connect our customers with our restaurant partners through whatever platform the consumer wants to find them.
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  2. The notion of customer experience has always been hugely important, but it does feel that lately, its importance is bigger than ever. Perhaps it’s the changing customer expectations – expecting speedier deliveries, more personalized experiences, and so on. Or maybe it’s because of the biggest millennial brands – like Airbnb and Uber – that are all about ease, speed, and convenience. Whatever the cause/s may be, one thing is for sure: you need to constantly improve the customer experience in order to keep and stand out.

    In this blog post, I’m going to share top tips and technologies that will help you improve the customer experience.
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  3. As a member of the online retailer, The Iconic’s executive team, Anna Lee, is at the forefront driving strategic growth plans and leading over 200 people in her role as the firm’s chief operating officer. Lee recently spoke to Which-50 about successful approaches she has led that allowed her firm to innovate, and how best to employ emerging technologies.

    Lee said there are a vast array of innovative technologies available but at The Iconic their focus is on innovating to cater to the fundamental needs of their customer.

    “At the heart of innovation is doing something you are already doing either differently or better. It’s all about changing your mindset to approach something more imaginatively and effectively,” Lee said.

    “We like to test and learn, before rolling out new methods and features. As a business, we innovate by continually testing new updates to create the best shopping experience for our customers – from our Snap-to-Shop feature, which allows customers to image-search for similar items, to our one-hour delivery trial to new supply chain processes.”
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  4. The retail landscape is undergoing rapid change. It has always been one of the first industries to be affected by economic fluctuations or political turbulence, but when you add to that the myriad of other factors impacting the sector today—chief among them being technology—traditional retailers and disruptors start speculating about and often fearing the future.

    For starters, the retail industry is and will continue to be alive and well for the foreseeable future. A recent study by Deloitte predicted that “consumers will spend confidently throughout 2018.” In fact, the research highlights that the sector is expected to see a growth of 3.2% to 3.8% this year. This projected growth is for the global retail industry, which includes brick-and-mortar and online formats. The competition and the wide range of choices in channels and formats is also expected to continue, according to the study. The customer has always been king—and despite the changes the sector is undergoing, retail has remained and will likely always be the customer’s kingdom.
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  5. I once wrote that to be joyful we must capture the natural occurring humor of reality. Extrapolating the idea of seizing natural occurring opportunities, I’m a fan of gleaning customer experience lessons from news headlines.

    Here are three quick examples of customer experience lessons just waiting to be plucked from recent news stories:

    +Only one Blockbuster Video store remains
    +Papa John’s Pizza removes likeness of the company’s founder in the aftermath of his use of a racially offensive word
    +Voice search is on the rise
    Tags: , , by eringilliam (2018-07-19)
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  6. When you’re truly in sync with your customers, it shows. Communications are personalized and thoughtful. Customer support is frictionless. New products are consistently well received. And customers are happy to send new business your way.

    But that kind of synchronicity is pretty rare. Despite all the customer data and technology at our disposal, most companies don’t know their customers as well as they think they do. As a result, they overlook the pain points damaging the customer experience. When left unattended, that gap can quickly grow into a chasm.
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  7. There is no clear way of predicting when a customer will make a purchase, but you can be sure today’s connected customer wants it all.
    Customers want to be able to browse products on any device and purchase on another later that day. If the customer can’t find what they are looking for in store, they want assistants working on the shopfloor to locate that item and have it delivered to a place of their choosing the next day – all while earning loyalty points.
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  8. Harnessing the voice of the customer and using role-specific insights to improve the performance of every individual agent is how NICE Satmetrix is revolutionising Customer Experience (CX) in the contact centre.

    Featuring a set of unique and truly innovative technologies that gather direct feedback from the customer and apply contextualised analytics to help improve agent performance, NICE Satmetrix offers an unprecedented CX solution that adds value to every interaction.
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  9. According to a survey by Statista, nearly 2.62 billion people have active social media accounts worldwide today. The high tech industry has long understood that targeted ads and social media campaigns are powerful tools for driving brand awareness and sales. However, despite the fact that social media drives more traffic to a website than organic search, conversion rates are still extremely low. In fact, according to AdWeek, social media traffic has an average conversion rate of 0.71 percent, with organic search converting at 1.95 percent and email at 3.19 percent.

    Some high tech companies are very successful in creating communities and developing a strong following on their social media accounts and this is definitely the first step to increasing conversion. But how do you use these communities to build customer loyalty, provide a better customer experience and increase sales conversion rates?
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  10. Customer centricity is misunderstood. A change in retail has already occurred: technology users and their need for immediacy have severed the middle ground. Retail in the middle, grounded in mediocrity is doomed. The unifying force, no matter what way you shop, demands a customer-focused experience.
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