Tags: voice-of-customer*

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  1. Is your business listening to the Voice of the Customer (VoC)? If not, you might want to start now – as it is becoming a top priority among most online businesses. This rise in popularity is owed to the fact that Voice of the Customer programs (and therefore Voice of the Customer tools) have recently become a critical element in customer experience initiatives.
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  2. A recent Gartner study into how businesses are implementing emergent tech revealed some insights into the growing use of artificial intelligence in customer service and support applications.

    According to Gartner's Technology Roadmap Survey, approximately 37 percent of the 452 business leaders polled said they were "either piloting or using artificial intelligence bots and virtual customer assistance (VCAs)." Of those respondents, 67 percent said they felt such technologies were "high-value tools."
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  3. "We all do it. Come on, admit it. I do it a lot. In fact, I did it yesterday. You’re at the store, and as the cashier gives you your receipt (which is probably three times as long as it needs to be), he or she grabs a pen and circles or highlights a QR code or a URL and then forces a smile (if you’re lucky) and asks you to take a survey to “Let us know how we’re doing.”

    Do you take those surveys? Probably not. I suspect that most people do what I do: Toss the receipt in the nearest trash can.

    Considering the fact that I earn my living in the customer experience industry and like to think of myself as a customer advocate, it seems a little disingenuous of me to ignore those attempts to capture my voice as a customer."
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  4. When I ask retail CEOs about their top objectives, I often hear them say: “we want to put the customer at the center of everything we do.” This sounds easy, but it is increasingly difficult. Years ago, when I was a merchant for a retailer with a small chain of stores, I could walk the selling floor and ask our loyal customers for feedback. With 500 or 1000 stores, a rapidly growing e-commerce channel, and millions of customers, this is no longer possible.

    An entire category of Voice of the Customer (VoC) tools has arisen to address this challenge, and these tools can help retailers shape their in-store experience, pricing strategies, and product offerings. However, even with the vast amount of data and analytical tools at an executive’s fingertips, there are still enormous missed opportunities. While many retailers in the fashion, apparel and footwear industry have embraced them, other industries are far behind the curve. There is a misconception that these tools are best applied to fashion, whereas in reality they can be applied to virtually every product sector.
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  5. Customer feedback isn’t always pretty, but it can be vital to your bottom line.

    Although gathering data about your business seems like a daunting task, there are proven ways to accomplish this when you have limited experience and a limited budget. One such method, as Sergio Perez explains, involves a trial and error strategy he refers to as the “science experiment” method. It involves crafting specific theories about products and services and then testing them with guests.

    Note that this is vastly different from asking for general feedback. The process involves three easy-to-follow steps:
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  6. Voice of the Customer (VoC) programmes are intended to capture the opinions and preferences of all customers, analyse those insights, and use them to create meaningful changes in customer experience (CX). Having a VoC programme in place has become increasingly more popular and essential, especially as more and more businesses (nearly 72% to be precise) continue to place CX as their top priority. So how do you know which type of VoC software is right for your business?
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  7. The case for capturing, understanding and acting on the Voice of the Customer (VoC) is well documented. It’s a powerful driver for change, and helps to create differentiation in competitive markets. You’ve mapped your customer journey, defined key touchpoints, identified the channels through which to gather feedback and you are taking action based on the insights rolling in. Fantastic.

    But are you still missing something?
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  8. Companies spend millions of dollars on Voice of the Customer (VOC) tools. The goal? Understand their customers and prospects in order to improve products, customer service, messaging and marketing. These tools include surveys, focus groups, customer service reports and athlete or celebrity endorsements, among others. However, collecting and measuring the true Voice of the Buyer (VOB) is often not in the mix of the typical VOC initiative.
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  9. There is no questioning it; we are living in the age of the customer. Superior Customer Experience Management in 2019 is widely recognized as one of the most important and defining competitive advantages.

    With the amplitude of information and options at their fingertips, customers now hold most of the power. This is why the Customer Experience (CX) has become a top attribute on which brands compete, and the need to conduct a Voice of the Customer (VoC) program has never been greater.
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  10. Tides are shifting in retail marketing. The final sale is no longer the end goal — certainly, it’s important, but as competition for retail business intensifies, creating an exceptional consumer experience that increases lifetime value is taking priority.

    Retail brands are rethinking the way they approach marketing to consumers. Rather than designing channel-specific strategies that segment the marketing message, we’re seeing the focus move to a cohesive experience across all touchpoints. The strategy is called omnichannel marketing, and it’s helping brands take a more holistic approach to customer relations.
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Mopinion: The Leading Voice of customer Tool

Mopinion is a proud sponsor of voice of customer news. The voice of the online customer is taking on an increasingly important role when it comes to improving websites and apps. So web analysts and digital marketeers are making more and more use of Voice of customer Tools in order to collect Voice of customer. Mopinion takes it one step further and offers a solution to analyse and visualise Voice of customer results from your websites and apps wherever you need them. The real challenge for companies is not about capturing feedback, it is about how to make sense of the data.