Tags: voice-of-customer*

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  1. When you’re truly in sync with your customers, it shows. Communications are personalized and thoughtful. Customer support is frictionless. New products are consistently well received. And customers are happy to send new business your way.

    But that kind of synchronicity is pretty rare. Despite all the customer data and technology at our disposal, most companies don’t know their customers as well as they think they do. As a result, they overlook the pain points damaging the customer experience. When left unattended, that gap can quickly grow into a chasm.
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  2. Are you listening to the voice of your customers? Of course you are. Based on CustomerThink research, nearly all large enterprises conduct relationship and/or transaction surveys. And increasingly, small and mid-sized firms are doing so, too.

    But wait, did I say “voice” – singular? You should be listening to several “voices,” deciding what actions are needed, and — this is the most important thing — taking action! My customer-centric research has identified five “Listen” practices that leading brands implement more effectively, in order of relative impact:
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  3. We’ve all heard that writing according to the company style guide is good for customers because it creates brand voice consistency. But does that still apply when customers are looking for help? When it comes to self-service, the brand voice can often be tone deaf. It may be time to trade in the traditional brand voice for a more adaptive, empathetic approach to communication that puts the customer’s language and style, not your brand’s, at the center.
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  4. In today’s fast-paced world, a person’s opinion about a product, service or individual is unpredictable and changing constantly, yet companies can use this unpredictability for their own benefit.

    Sentiment analysis is an extremely useful tool to monitor the public opinion of certain topics across social media, like stock market trends or political campaign announcements. By analyzing text—such as posts and reviews uploaded by users on different platforms—sentiment analysis helps businesses understand the social sentiment of a brand, product or service.
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  5. As an entrepreneur, you have to lead, but sometimes you have to listen as well. And you won't know when to do which if you never hear what your customers are saying.
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  6. Having an online customer feedback tool in place is one thing. But putting it to good use and actually listening to your customers? That’s another. Unfortunately there are many instances in which online customer feedback “falls on deaf ears”. Just a mere 46% of consumers feel that their feedback is being used in a constructive way. And what’s interesting is almost 83% of consumers say they would be more loyal to a brand if they knew that brand would act on their feedback and make improvements.
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  7. 2018 has been declared as a year of reckoning by Forrester. At the top of Forrester’s 2018 prediction is the claim that Customer Experience (CX) programs have hit a wall. Practitioners have generated a great deal of activity around journey mapping, voice-of-customer programs, and implementing quick wins.

    But this is where they hit a wall. The latest Forrester CX Index demonstrated that, for some companies, scores actually declined and others reached a plateau. In a word, CX programs are “stuck.”

    So, how can we unstick our CX programs and generate greater momentum in what was once declared a centerpiece of the CEO’s agenda? Here are seven tips to help move your CX program in the right direction.
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  8. They say that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. But how often do you apply that concept to your customer service? Most businesses wait for a problem to arise, and don’t make efforts to fix a problem until after a customer (or several customers) complains.

    However, more often than not, a customer that has gotten to the point of complaining about something is one that is not likely to come back to your business.
    So, rather than waiting around to fix customer complaints, here are 3 proactive ways that you can prevent those complaints from ever arising.
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  9. In today’s age of product management, it is more than just a buzz word but has become a guiding principle in what makes a business successful and that is a customer driven product roadmap that focuses on the customer voice and implementing features that include the voice of the customer. To do this, you need to be at the right place at the right time to hear the customer feedback as they are facing the challenge or see an opportunity within your product for an improvement.

    While completing user interviews can be very successful to get customer feedback, the customer voice being heard as the situation arises versus days later or relying on a memory allows the details to flow through much better in the idea requests. So how does a product manager be available 24 by 7 to hear the voice of the customer? By implementing customer feedback tools that are within the product that is always available for feedback to be submitted and worked into their product roadmap.
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  10. How you listen matters. Unfortunately, some might be overlooking this particular detail of their Voice of the Customer (VoC) programs, which could end up impacting just how successful their program is in providing the insights they need to improve their Customer Experience (CX).

    In a world where CX is becoming increasingly scrutinized, the importance of collecting customer feedback to fuel your Customer Experience Management (CEM) efforts cannot be understated. It is a crucial first step for any organization wanting to inject more customer-centricity in their business decisions.

    However, there is an aspect of VoC that organizations may sometimes gloss over, despite its potential to have a significant impact on the quality of the feedback they get in return: the method you use to engage your customers for their feedback.
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Mopinion: The Leading Voice of customer Tool

Mopinion is a proud sponsor of voice of customer news. The voice of the online customer is taking on an increasingly important role when it comes to improving websites and apps. So web analysts and digital marketeers are making more and more use of Voice of customer Tools in order to collect Voice of customer. Mopinion takes it one step further and offers a solution to analyse and visualise Voice of customer results from your websites and apps wherever you need them. The real challenge for companies is not about capturing feedback, it is about how to make sense of the data.