How do you know if your customers are satisfied with your product or service? How do you know what you are offering is meeting your customer needs? Businesses need to know which channels to use in order to gain valuable customer feedback. The insight gained will inform the decisions you make going forward. How valuable is your product or service if it doesn’t meet your customer needs?
In most cases, business growth occurs when customers can get the maximum value from a product or service, which is why customer success is a real indicator of business growth. But customer success cannot be maximized without creating a dialogue where feedback is captured and acted upon. At Hubstaff, this is part and parcel of who we are as a company. Creating a dialogue and learning from those conversations have been critical to our growth journey.
If our customers aren’t successful, neither are we. Here’s how we’ve streamlined our customer feedback processes at Hubstaff, helping us grow to serve over 7,000 teams around the world. And, here’s how you can do the same.
The Voice of the Customer (VOC) is a research technique that maps out the detailed wishes and needs of your customers. In short, you listen to what your customers have to say about a product or service.
For the first time in three years, growth in marketing budgets has decreased, placing marketers on the hook to justify financial investments and demonstrate solid ROI for existing activity. In this more restrictive environment, Gartner finds marketers are increasingly turning their focus to existing customers, with a spending ratio of 2-to-1 in favor of retention over acquisition. Because of those trends, chief marketing officers are keeping customer experience (CX) programs at the top of their priority lists and they are expecting such initiatives to deliver measurable returns.
Sales cure everything. But what if I were to tell you that sales have very little to do with customers? What if I were to tell you that strategies like designing buyer personas and marketing to them aren’t about customers or their journeys, but you? It's true. What I’m about to share with you will change the way you look at customers and marketing forever.
Creating a positive and consistent customer experience across multiple channels is one of the biggest challenges facing businesses today, and a solid Voice of the Customer program is core to meeting this challenge. Building such a program, however, is far from simple and failure to do it well will result in “just another customer survey”.
For dedicated CEM professionals, a VoC program is simply the “right thing to do”. However, while some organizations just “get” it, for many, a lot of work is required to secure the financial and operational investment necessary to build a true VoC program. There is—quite reasonably—a call to demonstrate Return on Investment.
The stakes for digital have never been higher, and neither has the pressure on marketers and agencies to optimize campaign performance to win the most customers at the lowest costs. As costs rise, every conversion counts — especially those that lead to appointments, sales opportunities, and revenue. And for mobile advertising, that conversion is often a call. When consumers run searches and engage with digital ads, emails, and website content on their smartphones, it’s easier and more natural to call the business rather than fill out a form on their small screens and wait for the business to call them.
Inbound calls are often the most valuable leads — callers convert to customers on average 10x–15x more than online conversions. Someone who calls a business usually has higher purchasing intent and is further along in the customer journey than someone who fills out a web form. Plus, a caller is a live lead that businesses can close and upsell right away.
Below are 3 examples of how you can use voice analytics to capture valuable marketing insights and, in turn, optimize the performance of your digital advertising campaigns.
Many B2B organisations are still struggling with the changing balance of power in an age where buyers are more vocal and have the ability to make informed purchase decisions. Customer empowerment has impacted businesses of all sizes, and brand loyalty is always in the balance.
However, leading organisations are finding ways to turn customer empowerment into a competitive advantage. They are gathering and organising voice of customer (VoC) data from multiple sources to build a clear picture of buyer sentiment, intent and requirements. But they are not simply hoarding this data. They are actively using it to leverage insights then devise cohesive sales and marketing strategies aligned with customer needs to deliver better business performance.
Customer expectations change rapidly, and so must the activities used to address them. It’s not easy to keep pace, but with a measured approach it can be achieved. Gathering, analysing and acting on VoC data can underpin a dynamic cycle where buyer actions are managed intelligently to drive tangible, long term business success.
One of the biggest challenge businesses face in providing better customer service is truly understanding their customers. Figuring out why customers are reaching out and what drives their decisions, behavior, and opinions of your brand are crucial to long-term success. To create a positive customer experience, not just before and during the sale, but after the sale as well, you need to listen to your customer during every conversation.
Speech Analytics lets you harness the power of voice of the customer insights by enabling you to automate the monitoring, categorization, tagging and scoring of all interactions with customers – whether they happen on the phone, email, chat or social. Doing so can give you a deeper understanding of why customers reach out, what frustrations they are experiencing and what they need from you.
These articles outlines how speech analytics provides voice of the customer insights to improve customer service.
Is customer service part of the customer experience? Or is customer experience what happens when someone receives customer service? Are they the same thing?
The terms “customer service” and “customer experience” are often confused or used interchangeably. They’re not the same thing, but they are related.
The difference between customer service and customer experience is that while customer service is one piece of the puzzle — focused on human interaction and directly supporting customers — customer experience is the sum of the entire customer journey with your business.
Let’s take a look at customer service vs. customer experience in more detail.