It is not difficult to understand the role of customer in any business. They play pivotal role and are solely responsible for making any business successful. For sustaining a profitable life, businesses should make sure to serve customers in every possible way and provide them with an experience of their lifetime.
Total Customer Experience (TCE) is a 360 degree strategy to make sure businesses are rounded with customer centricity. TCE ensures businesses are build around happy customers. Achieving total customer experience is no cake walk and it requires certain type of dedication and commitment. A persistent effort and set of commandments should be followed to make sure businesses are built to provide total customer experience.
We have the technology to listen to customers, but we're still not getting customer experience right. According to the State of Customer Experience 2017 report from business process services company Conduent, brands fail to provide 80 percent of customers with first-step resolutions. Further, 75 percent don’t provide enough support to encourage successful self-help.
The New Customer-Driven Economy
We are witnessing an amazing acceleration of new products, services, and delivery methods. Many companies and even entire industries have been radically affected (think Department Stores, RIM Blackberry, Kodak, Blockbuster, and many others). There are new rules, principles, and ways of working for success in the customer-driven economy.
In-App & Web Notifications are increasingly being used by digital-first businesses as a means for boosting conversions or simply conveying an important message to their visitors (while they are active in-app or on the website). According to Localytics, In-App Messaging in particular is capable of boosting engagement by 3x! So to what can we attribute the success of in-app and web notifications? Easy. That would be their exceptional ability to deliver the right content to the right audience at the right time.
In this article we will define 10 tools that offer in-app & web notifications.
Still haven’t cracked the code on growth hacking? Don’t worry, it’s probably every bit as mysterious to you as the next startup – so don’t get discouraged. While the term has been around for several years now (since 2010 to be exact), the concept has not yet fully been grasped by everyone. Put simply, growth hacking is the ‘art’ of carrying out rapid experiments across marketing channels and product development with one constant goal – growth. Those capable of achieving this growth using both low-cost solutions and more unconventional marketing methods are referred to as ‘growth hackers’. Want to learn more? Stay tuned for our ‘must-read’ growth hacking guides...
You’ve implemented tactics to grow your business and increase the sales of your products and services. But that is only one side of the coin. The other side is customer retention.
After you’ve come up with a new product and identified your target audience, you are all set to start the business. But it is equally important to invest in resources to retain your existing customers. That is why you need to have a dedicated customer success team whose main job is to convince customers to stay.
Customer Experience (CX) is emerging as a multidisciplinary field. It’s not just operations, marketing, sales, design, or insights… all of the above is required to create an immersive and seamless experience for your customers.
That being said, the metric back bone of most CX programs rests in the Voice of the Customer (VOC) program. That is, those activities focused on getting customer and prospect feedback, getting it to the right people, and then doing something about it. If you are striking out for the first time to develop a VOC program or looking to upgrade your existing program here are some tips to consider.
It’s the age of the customer and the world’s biggest brands are duking it out every day for a greater share of our hearts, minds, and wallets. Customers hold more decision power than ever in an era where information about any company’s products and services is just a mobile search away.
Where does the Voice of the Customer (VoC) land in the priorities for your company’s overall strategy? Forrester’s Customer Experience Council 2017 member survey shows that 79% of all respondents believe that measuring customer experience is a top priority.
User feedback is the key indicator of customer experience. Having access to the customer insights puts you as a marketer at a competitive advantage. In fact, user feedback will also enable you to prioritise and address issues that surface, putting you one step closer to reaching a profitable conclusion and closing the loop. That is why it’s important to have the right user feedback solution in place, depending on your needs and of course, budget. In this article we will zoom in on several free user feedback solutions that are great for digital marketers who are on a budget.
If you want to engage with your prospects successfully, you need to launch a multi-pronged marketing effort. That being said, the importance of optimising your email marketing strategy can’t be overstated.