eringilliam: customer-experience*

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  1. Your service desk customers typically have the last word about the services you provide, like it or not. There’s a bit of the old adage here – “the customer is always right.” While that thinking has a long legacy in the business world, there is a bit of movement to such philosophies like “the employee is always right” that reflects the sentiment that without properly empowered employees customers can’t be properly serves. Nevertheless, in the organisations where service desk customers typically have the last word, it is increasingly important that you track how they feel about their interactions with you. But how do you actually measure how well your service department resonates with the user base?

    This is no easy task, though. Quality customer experience is as important as it is difficult. Satisfaction among your customers depends on how you’ve helped to solve their issues rather than what you did to solve it. In other words, your customers don’t want to know what it’s the sausage, they just want the sausage.

    Quantitatively measuring that may otherwise be defined as qualitative can be a bit tricky, but there’s no reason to panic. There are ways forward.
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  2. Every organization has a unique way of interacting with customers based on its organizational culture, a system of shared assumptions, values, beliefs, and behaviors that govern people’s behavior within the organization. The way employees of an organization interact with customers creates the image or perception of the company to its customers. Even more, every customer’s perception is unique as it is not merely about the way the organization interacts with the customers, but also includes the way the customers perceive it.

    Customer experience is the cumulative effect of customer’s perceptions and related feelings caused by each interaction with an organization’s employees, systems, channels or products. Therefore, it is not enough to merely group the customer perceptions into a set of bands by asking a series of rating questions (typically on a scale of 0 to 10). These questions barely break through the surface of customer’s feelings and do not come near understanding the true voice of the customer.
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  3. I once wrote that to be joyful we must capture the natural occurring humor of reality. Extrapolating the idea of seizing natural occurring opportunities, I’m a fan of gleaning customer experience lessons from news headlines.

    Here are three quick examples of customer experience lessons just waiting to be plucked from recent news stories:

    +Only one Blockbuster Video store remains
    +Papa John’s Pizza removes likeness of the company’s founder in the aftermath of his use of a racially offensive word
    +Voice search is on the rise
    Tags: , , by eringilliam (2018-07-19)
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  4. As the influence of social media continues to proliferate, so does the volume of online consumer insights available to companies.

    The ability to successfully filter, capture and analyze actionable data is extremely lucrative for data-driven organizations. According to a 2017 McKinsey study, organizations that leverage consumer behaviorial insights outperform their competitors by 85 percent in terms of sales growth and by more than 25 percent in total profits.
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  5. How you listen matters. Unfortunately, some might be overlooking this particular detail of their Voice of the Customer (VoC) programs, which could end up impacting just how successful their program is in providing the insights they need to improve their Customer Experience (CX).

    In a world where CX is becoming increasingly scrutinized, the importance of collecting customer feedback to fuel your Customer Experience Management (CEM) efforts cannot be understated. It is a crucial first step for any organization wanting to inject more customer-centricity in their business decisions.

    However, there is an aspect of VoC that organizations may sometimes gloss over, despite its potential to have a significant impact on the quality of the feedback they get in return: the method you use to engage your customers for their feedback.
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  6. Many customer experiences would be far more enticing if companies could better understand just who their customers really are and what they are experiencing. However, superior customer experience requires that data be delivered from multiple sources, to the right place, to the right decision maker or application, at the right time. And then that data needs to be tied together to form one cohesive view of the customer—something far easier said than done. Unfortunately, many companies still struggle to make sense of the data they have surging through their systems.
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  7. If tere’s one thing we know for sure, it’s that customer experience is the fundamental driving force behind eCommerce as we know it. Gartner predicted that by this year, more than 50% of organisations would implement significant business model changes in a bid to improve their overall customer experience. So clearly we’re not just talking about the importance of having a picture-perfect online store here. Not even close. Because, in reality there isn’t a single aspect of the eCommerce journey where customer experience isn’t important. From website navigation to the checkout process, to shipping and logistics, to returns – there’s an opportunity at every step of the process to provide your customers with a positive experience or a negative one.
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  8. There many fascinating insights from a new study conducted by Harvard Business Review Analytic Services in conjunction with SAS, Intel and Accenture Applied Intelligence. The study is a quick, insightful read of 16 pages that combines survey findings and enterprises’ marketing results.
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  9. Sir Richard Branson once said “Employees come first. If you take care of your employees, they will take care of the clients”

    Is Employee experience (EX) and Customer experience (CX) linked? I would emphatically say a YES to that question. Ideally, the EX should reflect the same experience that we are trying to provide to our clients. It is becoming increasingly evident that the two experiences are so very closely linked, that one affects the other in every level. It is also common sense. Without employees we will not be able to provide any sort of CX and if the employees are not happy and committed they certainly will not be able to provide client delight to our valuable clients.
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  10. Voice of the Customer (VoC) programs have become a strategic asset for the most forward thinking and customer-centric CEOs, CMOs and customer experience leaders. In fact, in the most recent Best Practices of the Best Marketers Research Report, Chief Marketing Officers whose performance ranked them in the top quartile used VoC programs a whopping 48% more often than their lower performing peers.

    It’s been my experience that most companies think they know what their customers’ want—and more often than not they are either partially correct or incomplete. Either scenario results with a cascading effect that degrades product R&D, marketing communications, sales effectiveness, services delivery and customer experience (CX) objectives. The negative financial impact incurred in any one of these areas is a significant hidden loss than goes unrecognized by most business leaders.
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Mopinion is a proud sponsor of voice of customer news. The voice of the online customer is taking on an increasingly important role when it comes to improving websites and apps. So web analysts and digital marketeers are making more and more use of Voice of customer Tools in order to collect Voice of customer. Mopinion takes it one step further and offers a solution to analyse and visualise Voice of customer results from your websites and apps wherever you need them. The real challenge for companies is not about capturing feedback, it is about how to make sense of the data.