Tags: voice-of-customer*

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  1. If your investment in voice-of-the-customer (VoC) is intended to help you grow revenue, then VoC in business-to-business (B2B) situations should represent all of the influencers of buying decisions, As shown in the recent article in Understanding Business-to-Business Purchase Decisions, only a third of B2B companies are identifying and collecting inputs from all of the buying influencers. And still fewer are consolidating the viewpoints to create a holistic picture of reality.
    Read more at https://www.business2community.com/b2b-marketing/b2b-voice-customer-integrating-decision-influencers-views-01956648
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  2. In today's digital era, technologies have enabled consumers with unprecedented powers which allow them to compare prices, find deals and voice opinions.
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  3. As the customer experience profession matures, one thing has become clear: CX professionals can’t have a strong impact unless the surrounding culture is supportive. And creating such a culture is difficult.

    In a forthcoming study by Walker, CX professionals listed “developing a customer-centric culture” as the most effective way to meet customers’ changing needs. Fewer than half, however, stated that customer focus has a significant influence on their company’s culture. In other words, CX professionals believe a culture focused on customers can make a big difference, but they don’t feel their colleagues are catching on.
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  4. The Retail Employees Superannuation Trust’s recent shift to a new platform is proving significant returns on customer insights and engagement
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  5. When was the last time you took a long, hard look at what you've been doing in terms of listening to customers in order to figure out if it's time for a redesign or a major overhaul? Have there been personnel changes on your team? Have you acquired other companies? Are the people who originally designed the surveys still with the company? If they aren't, is there anyone else who recalls the original objectives? If they are, do they recall the objectives, the overall roadmap, the reason for the approach, etc.?
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  6. Instead of having to blast your content on metaphorical loudspeakers, the consumers of today see themselves as their own personal brand. They want to invite you into their inner circles – on one condition: they want a company that they can identify with, that is aligned to their vision of themselves.

    The rise of the internet has also led to the rise of accessible information. Almost everything is just a click away, and this has changed the game of marketing immensely. Consumers are now more aware of what’s out there, and feel even more inundated by it.
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  7. To truly understand CX needs and eliminate the guesswork of positive disruption, brands must talk to their employees.

    Employee engagement may be a less expected feedback source, but it’s central to any modern CX strategy. Rather than treating vocal employees like squeaky wheels, businesses should focus on empowering employee voices and the data-driven insights they offer.
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  8. Leading brands know that running a successful business is more than selling and making a profit; long-term success is defined by a brand’s ability to form a lasting connection with its customers. In addition, customers are increasingly looking to humanize the brands they do business with.

    While blogs, newsletters, and traditional social media have been reliable tools for connecting with customers in the past, the prevalence and popularity of these tactics mean that brand leaders need to think one step ahead if they want to continue creating unique and personal customer experiences.
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  9. There was a time where a customer had to go into a store to complain. This then evolved into phoning customer services to resolve a query; then came the age of email – the only medium where, in most instances, the query is not time sensitive.

    The explosion of social media has opened communication channels and customers expect the fastest response when contacting a brand on Facebook and Twitter.

    On the whole, brands have accepted that once they open social channels it is imperative that they continue to monitor and engage with customers. Brands simply can’t afford to have hundreds of thousands of people viewing any negative review left by an unhappy customer.
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  10. Our members tell us what we are good at and where we need to get better. We use feedback from customer satisfaction surveys and industry measurements such as J.D. Power. This information is pure gold because you can dissect it to discover where you need to improve, says David Bano, chief claims officer at Nationwide. It’s like a math equation where you remove pieces to make customer interactions quicker and more convenient.

    It’s important to listen to positive and negative feedback equally.
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Mopinion: The Leading Voice of customer Tool

Mopinion is a proud sponsor of voice of customer news. The voice of the online customer is taking on an increasingly important role when it comes to improving websites and apps. So web analysts and digital marketeers are making more and more use of Voice of customer Tools in order to collect Voice of customer. Mopinion takes it one step further and offers a solution to analyse and visualise Voice of customer results from your websites and apps wherever you need them. The real challenge for companies is not about capturing feedback, it is about how to make sense of the data.