Let’s face it — content is at the core of modern marketing communications. Content that is useful, helpful or entertaining will win mind-share and wallet-share as we move ahead into a marketplace where multiple parties are competing for the attention of potential customers.
I think we can all agree on the fact that the world is a big place – especially if we look at it from a digital perspective. Of the 7.5 billion people in existence, nearly 51% have access to the internet. That amounts to around 4 billion people who – as a whole – conduct a whopping average of 1.2 trillion searches per year. In other words, competition for online traffic is FIERCE. Businesses are up against a huge pool of competitors and are therefore obliged to find innovative ways of winning over the attention of their target audience. One of the most popular ways of achieving this traffic is through the application of Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) tools.
The time and effort of trying to attract new customers could be used much more wisely, with Telstra highlighting a distinct gap between SME practices and consumer expectations.
When I was a student at Duke I wasn't much of a student—at least when it came to academics. Vastly preferring the lessons offered via extra-curricular activities, I gained a practical introduction to advertising by promoting various film series but in truth. Also, taking an actual marketing class was not an option. Well, that was a long time ago and the interest in and importance of understanding marketing has increased dramatically since then. There are now substantial curriculums at both the undergraduate and graduate levels, at Duke and across the country.
As a product manager and usability expert, I work with both marketing and R&D teams to deliver a product that meets users’ needs and expectations and provides value.
Entrepreneurs and business executives seem to be even more focused on their technology than the rest of us, and less inclined to listen to the voice of the customer, even if they remember to ask. Real two-way conversations with real customers, including the all-important body language, are unheard-of these days. Being connected to the Internet many hours a day is not enough.
Businesses invest money and time on outside market research firms that bring together focus groups for product testing. The resulting feedback from a very small sample of prospective customers is frequently incorporated across business operations from product development to messaging and go-to-market strategy, indiscriminately. On top of all that, vocal executive teams will also want to weigh in on the process. In the end, the marketing team has blown a hole in their budget and makes major bets based on third-party recommendations.
Voice of the customer (VOC) initiatives have gone mainstream. Unfortunately, too many companies doom their VOC programs from the start.
The problem isn't that brands aren’t collecting feedback. In fact, companies are gathering more feedback from customers and visitors than ever before.
Thanks to social media, consumers are more engaged than ever and have access to information almost at the same level as an industry insider. Senior merchants at retailers and brands have a very difficult time presenting consumers with a point of view because they already have it. Just look at the fragmentation of trends – the chief merchant of a $4 billion apparel brand recently told me "the new trend is that there is no trend.”
Most brands recognize that customer-listening programs add value to their overall experience. However, almost all struggle to move beyond the basics of satisfaction scores and net promoter scores (NPS).