The time and effort of trying to attract new customers could be used much more wisely, with Telstra highlighting a distinct gap between SME practices and consumer expectations.
As a product manager and usability expert, I work with both marketing and R&D teams to deliver a product that meets users’ needs and expectations and provides value.
Entrepreneurs and business executives seem to be even more focused on their technology than the rest of us, and less inclined to listen to the voice of the customer, even if they remember to ask. Real two-way conversations with real customers, including the all-important body language, are unheard-of these days. Being connected to the Internet many hours a day is not enough.
Businesses invest money and time on outside market research firms that bring together focus groups for product testing. The resulting feedback from a very small sample of prospective customers is frequently incorporated across business operations from product development to messaging and go-to-market strategy, indiscriminately. On top of all that, vocal executive teams will also want to weigh in on the process. In the end, the marketing team has blown a hole in their budget and makes major bets based on third-party recommendations.
Voice of the customer (VOC) initiatives have gone mainstream. Unfortunately, too many companies doom their VOC programs from the start.
The problem isn't that brands aren’t collecting feedback. In fact, companies are gathering more feedback from customers and visitors than ever before.
Businesses nowadays are becoming increasingly more customer-centric on their digital channels, and for a good reason too. Studies show that companies that put their customers at the core of their business are nearly 60% more profitable than those that don’t. So what are these companies doing to achieve this success exactly? Many of them are ‘passing the mic’ to their customers. In other words, giving their customers a voice through customer feedback software such as Medallia for Digital.
One of the questions I am often asked by organizations is “How do other companies use customer feedback?” Fortunately, the answer to that question is simple because most organizations use customer feedback to create PowerPoint reports or Excel spreadsheets to track performance. They might tie results to compensation or be used to coach front-line employees. These are all good uses of customer feedback, but in many cases, lead to chasing a score versus driving organizational change. The real question should be “How do other companies take action on their customer feedback?”
Earlier this month, the U.S. Department of Defense became the latest agency to adopt a burgeoning start-up boot camp pioneered by the National Science Foundation’s Errol Arkilic.
In 2011, Arkilic reached out to Steve Blank, a Stanford University professor who would soon be one of Silicon Valley’s most influential innovators.
As customer experience management practices and technology have matured, the ways in which companies capture and use customer feedback has transformed on multiple levels.
Here are 10 ways that illustrate this transformation in VoC programmes from ‘then’ to ‘now’:
In this world of so many choices, it’s hard to create a brand image in the mind of your customer. We see so many startups showing up with their products and services, but how many of them survive till the end, satisfying their target audience? Not many.