It’s time for a new monthly Employee in the Spotlight! Last month we interviewed our Mobile Developer Kees van Welsenis. This time we introduce the lady behind the many blogs and articles of Mopinion. We’d like to shine a light on Erin Gilliam, our always smiling American colleague.
‘Employees are the backbone of our business’. But do your employees feel invested in the mission of your company? What about future employees? Interestingly enough, while 78% of companies have a documented employment engagement strategy, only 50% measure the success of this strategy. That is why it’s important to measure engagement and continuously ensure your employees (and future employees) are happy and committed. Try one of our free employee engagement survey templates from the Survey Marketplace!
'Employees are the backbone of our business'. But do they feel invested in the mission of your company? What about future employees? Start measuring employee engagement with one of these three leading survey templates.
Numerous studies on customer experience (CX) highlight the crucial role company culture plays in delivering a great customer experience. Yet very few casino operators have addressed cultural issues in their endeavors to improve customer experience.
Organizational culture, simply stated, comprises the values, norms and behaviors that determine the social and psychological environment of the organization. While virtually every gaming company has the word “customer” in its mission statement and values statements, the operational ethos of the workplace is often at odds with the stated mission and values.
Customer engagement success isn't just about what you put in front of external consumers, it's also about your internal employees.
Being a more customer-led business doesn’t just require a greater understanding and empathy towards your customers, not is going to purely be delivered in the channels and devices you’re interacting with them in.
To truly understand CX needs and eliminate the guesswork of positive disruption, brands must talk to their employees.
Employee engagement may be a less expected feedback source, but it’s central to any modern CX strategy. Rather than treating vocal employees like squeaky wheels, businesses should focus on empowering employee voices and the data-driven insights they offer.