There is no doubt that creating a competitive advantage in today’s business environment is about much more than having great products and attaching the right price tag. With informed customers expecting much more, CEOs are turning to customer experience (CX) strategies to build the kind of sustainable advantage that leads to business outcomes and long-term success. To establish and maintain CX as a critical business strategy, the direction and discipline naturally starts at the top.
In other words, today’s successful companies need customer-focused CEOs.
Can a large incumbent company rediscover how to act like an agile start-up?
I believe the answer is yes, though success depends largely on another question: Can the executive team learn to get out of the way?
Behaving like an agile start-up implies speed, a sharply defined mission, and a deep understanding of customers. Those qualities allow a company to consistently formulate the right strategy and execute it cleanly—but also to pivot decisively when conditions change.