Historically, financial institutions such as banks, insurance providers and investment firms leveraged mainly offline touchpoints and customer interactions, such as meeting with an advisor at a physical office or making an appoint to open up a new bank account. However, due to the widespread digital disruption within the Finance industry, this focus has since shifted. These same institutions are now focusing on two things: the quality of the experience and creating a connection in an online environment. As a result, the Online Customer Journey among Financial Institutions has notably evolved over the last few years.
The finance industry has been undergoing quite a few changes over the last few years. Financial institutions that were once very traditional are now looking to adopt best practices used by more agile and flexible FinTech organisations. These practices that will not only enable these organisations to adapt to a fast-changing and increasingly tech-driven industry ecosystem, but also meet the rising expectations of their research-savvy and technologically inclined customer base.
In this article, we will analyse the current state of the financial industry as well as summarise 5 best practices for Financial Companies entering into the ‘Digital Age’ .
After much of the global economy went into recession back in 2008, public confidence in financial institutions took an equally dramatic dive. Whatever the reality, a large percentage of public and media opinion shifted blame towards global ‘bankers’, unseen financial professionals that were painted as the villains of the crisis. Perception and reputation are difficult concepts to quantify, often the evidence for good or bad reactions is anecdotal and is noticeable from talking to individuals or groups. Because the perception and reputation of any business is vital to its on-going success (and indeed its survival!) the use of Voice of the Customer (VoC) technology has become a common and highly prized asset, which the financial sector is readily embracing.