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  1. Getting customer feedback is essential to contact center, customer service and voice of the customer (VOC) leaders and managers. Without it, the contact center operates in a vacuum, and customer service and satisfaction suffers as a result.

    In this age of empowered consumers, traditional survey methods won’t get you the insights you need. In fact, response rates for paper-based surveys are just 10%.1 Today’s organizations need a new solution.
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  2. Within the last few years, companies have placed greater emphasis in collecting voice of the customer (VOC) to accelerate their improvement and innovation efforts. Yet companies still create processes laden with waste and bring products and services to the marketplace that fail. Why is that?
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  3. Voice of the customer (VOC) initiatives have gone mainstream. Unfortunately, too many companies doom their VOC programs from the start.

    The problem isn't that brands aren’t collecting feedback. In fact, companies are gathering more feedback from customers and visitors than ever before.

    The problem is that brands fail to realize the primary value of VOC data. Information culled via customer feedback is valuable because it creates internal alignment and provides insights that allow brands to execute quicker than the competition.
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  4. The more granular the listening the more tactical the insights tend to be. This is likely true across all research methods but especially so when it comes to VOC data.

    In general, there are 4 key levels to consider when thinking through levels of granularity for Voice of Customer data:
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  5. You’ve heard it before but I’ll say it again…Listening to the Voice of the Customer (VoC) is crucial for businesses looking to compete based on customer experience. And while this couldn’t be more true, surprisingly, nearly 75% of companies still feel that their VoC programmes aren’t effective and that they’re failing to drive actions. That is to say that these companies are listening to their customers but lack the wherewithal to turn insights into something meaningful and profitable for their business. This is where VoC tools come into play. One that comes to mind is Usabilla.

    So let’s take a look at some of the competitors and alternatives to using a tool like Usabilla.
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  6. Every organization has a unique way of interacting with customers based on its organizational culture, a system of shared assumptions, values, beliefs, and behaviors that govern people’s behavior within the organization. The way employees of an organization interact with customers creates the image or perception of the company to its customers. Even more, every customer’s perception is unique as it is not merely about the way the organization interacts with the customers, but also includes the way the customers perceive it.

    Customer experience is the cumulative effect of customer’s perceptions and related feelings caused by each interaction with an organization’s employees, systems, channels or products. Therefore, it is not enough to merely group the customer perceptions into a set of bands by asking a series of rating questions (typically on a scale of 0 to 10). These questions barely break through the surface of customer’s feelings and do not come near understanding the true voice of the customer.
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  7. When you’re truly in sync with your customers, it shows. Communications are personalized and thoughtful. Customer support is frictionless. New products are consistently well received. And customers are happy to send new business your way.

    But that kind of synchronicity is pretty rare. Despite all the customer data and technology at our disposal, most companies don’t know their customers as well as they think they do. As a result, they overlook the pain points damaging the customer experience. When left unattended, that gap can quickly grow into a chasm.
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  8. As the influence of social media continues to proliferate, so does the volume of online consumer insights available to companies.

    The ability to successfully filter, capture and analyze actionable data is extremely lucrative for data-driven organizations. According to a 2017 McKinsey study, organizations that leverage consumer behaviorial insights outperform their competitors by 85 percent in terms of sales growth and by more than 25 percent in total profits.
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  9. So it turns out that the voice of your customer is pretty darn important. Gartner found that 95 percent of companies regularly listen to their customer’s feedback, and yet rather worryingly, Gartner’s research also concluded that only 29 percent of firms with VOC programs in place incorporate VOC data into their decision-making processes, while nearly three-quarters of brands don’t consider their VOC programs to be very effective at driving actions. In other words, the benefits of VOC data collection are clear and well received — but brands are struggling to make their VOC programs impactful.
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  10. We’ve all heard that writing according to the company style guide is good for customers because it creates brand voice consistency. But does that still apply when customers are looking for help? When it comes to self-service, the brand voice can often be tone deaf. It may be time to trade in the traditional brand voice for a more adaptive, empathetic approach to communication that puts the customer’s language and style, not your brand’s, at the center.
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Mopinion: The Leading Voice of customer Tool

Mopinion is a proud sponsor of voice of customer news. The voice of the online customer is taking on an increasingly important role when it comes to improving websites and apps. So web analysts and digital marketeers are making more and more use of Voice of customer Tools in order to collect Voice of customer. Mopinion takes it one step further and offers a solution to analyse and visualise Voice of customer results from your websites and apps wherever you need them. The real challenge for companies is not about capturing feedback, it is about how to make sense of the data.