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  1. Helping consumers and businesses manage and plan their financial affairs, Financial Advisors (FAs) are the key intermediaries or channel for the promotion and distribution of a wide array of investment and insurance products and services. From life insurance, variable annuities, mutual funds and retirement products to trust services, wealth management and an endless assortment of investment instruments and securities, FAs are critical conduits connecting customers with financial services “manufacturers.”

    Building enduring, strong relationships with Advisors is critical to providers that rely on this channel. Winning with Financial Advisors, however, is analogous to herding cats. The stakes and the challenges are greater than ever in this love/hate mutual dependency, making strengthening Financial Advisor experiences and relationships critical to winning with advisors.
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  2. If you’re reading this it’s probably safe to say your business has decided to implement an online customer feedback programme. Excellent choice! The next step is to start setting things into motion (in other words, collecting feedback), which can be challenging without the proper guidance. If you already have goals set out for your business, you’re certainly on the right track. Now all you’re going to need is a strategy that encompasses those goals, which – in the case of feedback – can be as simple as using a feedback form template, or at least understanding how a feedback form should be designed…
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  3. VoC continuous survey programs are used to better understand the customer experience within a business. But which metrics should be used to measure return on investment?
    Voice of Customer (VoC) is a relatively new term in marketing research that represents the process by which a company continuously gathers and analyzes the satisfaction and opinion of customers regarding their experience with the company. This type of program is mainly implemented to improve customer experience, however it has to be profitable for the company. Therefore, any company wishing to implement a VoC program must measure and track certain metrics over time to determine its return on investment.
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  4. Social media and the Voice Of the Customer (VoC). It’s a topic that keeps popping up, especially the value of social and the role of social signals in the overall VoC picture. In its “Integrated Customer Experience study“, Econsultancy once again showed that social media ranks surprisingly low on the list of channels used in a VoC context. Social is even often separated from the overall Voice Of the Customer approach.
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  5. Leading enterprises are shifting their customer service strategies from voice to digital channels to improve customer experience, and they have the bumps and bruises to show for it.

    The path to digital customer service is tricky to navigate because workflows and tools for engaging with customers across voice and digital channels, like SMS, chat and social media, must be integrated and used appropriately. Some major companies are using Salesforce's Customer 360 initiative to provide a unified view of customer interactions across those channels.
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  6. For retail shoppers, the customer journey often begins with a local mobile search. In fact, 80% of retail shoppers have searched the terms “near me” on their smartphones. After performing local mobile searches, 61% of shoppers go on to call a business, while 59% visit the location. Their calls are often inquiries about inventory and pricing. The higher the price, the more likely retail customers are to call, since expensive purchases are more considered.

    In addition, online retail shoppers often call an agent to learn additional product specs, clear up billing issues, and finalize purchases. For retail marketers, these calls to brick-and-mortar locations and contact centers are one of the richest sources of customer insights available.

    In order to boost website and marketing ROI, retail marketers and their agency partners should harness the voice of the customer from inbound calls to locations and contact centers to inform their strategy.
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  7. There are various factors contributing to business success or failure. Customer satisfaction is a key factor for businesses to exist. It is important to track and continuously improve Customer satisfaction in order to win customers delight and turn them into promoters of your brand. If you ignore customer’s satisfaction, they might stop caring about your products, and brand as well in the longer run. The sooner you realize the importance of this factor, the better your organization’s performance be.

    The most powerful mechanism to know this is to understand your customer. The key to this understanding involves constant communication with your customer. Of this, listening is the key skill required to be practised. While Listening is so important, let us understand how this could be effectively used for our advantage in a business context.
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  8. It’s essential CX practice today to offer customers a range of channels through which they can interact with you. But adding new channels is only half the battle. It’s the CX team’s responsibility to coordinate them, too. At the B2B technology company for which I work, we call it connected listening.

    For many companies, adding channels means adding silos to an already siloed organization. Lack of coordination across those channels can defeat the purpose and cause frustration for customers, who don’t care that your call center and web experience team operate separately from one another, or that your mobile app development team rarely communicates with your store or branch network.

    CX organizations are uniquely positioned and skilled to ensure that organizations are offering customers great omni-channel experiences. Here are some guidelines to make the most of the omni-channel boom.
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  9. 'Understanding the voice of your customer is key in today’s competitive business landscape, as is developing a customer-centric management style which focuses on understanding and maintaining compelling, positive high-quality experiences for your customers.

    Internet and intranet communication allows organizations to hold ongoing conversations with the people they serve. This gives them access to an enormous amount of potentially valuable information. Natural language understanding and deep learning are key to tapping into this information and to revealing how to better serve their audiences.

    In this blog, I will discuss the different ways that deep learning can take you to the next level of understanding the voice of your customer including: the importance of qualitative data (unstructured feedback); the role of analytics in the analysis of qualitative data for VoC; and the role and promise of deep learning for applications (including AI Assistant).'
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  10. While Voice of the Customer (VoC) programmes are now commonplace, there is still a big range in the maturity and rigour of these projects within enterprises.

    For many organisations, the temptation is to tackle customer feedback by simply blitzing it - collecting lots of data from lots of customers, gathering as much feedback as possible. However, unless there are concrete plans about what to actually do with the data being collected, then this is futile – it’s just listening for the sake of listening, rather than listening for the sake of improving the experience. And this is common.
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Mopinion: The Leading Voice of customer Tool

Mopinion is a proud sponsor of voice of customer news. The voice of the online customer is taking on an increasingly important role when it comes to improving websites and apps. So web analysts and digital marketeers are making more and more use of Voice of customer Tools in order to collect Voice of customer. Mopinion takes it one step further and offers a solution to analyse and visualise Voice of customer results from your websites and apps wherever you need them. The real challenge for companies is not about capturing feedback, it is about how to make sense of the data.