Why were missing the mark with consumer sentiment analysis

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  1. Sentiment analysis is widely used to supplement the analysis of text data in surveys, complaints, reviews and other customer feedback. In theory, sentiment analysis categorises opinions expressed in a piece of text just as a human might. However, as the volume and complexity of customer data grows, growing issues with sentiment analysis are providing flawed information and stopping companies from getting the full picture from their data; key customer feedback that could drive positive business change is being missed. For those who have used sentiment analysis it is likely that you have experienced these inaccuracies from skewed sentiment percentages and incorrect tagging, to completely missing key business insights.
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Mopinion: The Leading Voice of customer Tool

Mopinion is a proud sponsor of voice of customer news. The voice of the online customer is taking on an increasingly important role when it comes to improving websites and apps. So web analysts and digital marketeers are making more and more use of Voice of customer Tools in order to collect Voice of customer. Mopinion takes it one step further and offers a solution to analyse and visualise Voice of customer results from your websites and apps wherever you need them. The real challenge for companies is not about capturing feedback, it is about how to make sense of the data.