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  1. Our client, a major manufacturer of various simulators, hypothesized they had an opportunity innovate on how doctors trained for a particular set of invasive medical procedures. For decades, training for these types of procedures was carried out using plastic models or pig cadavers, but neither captured the look and feel of the human body, and both involved considerable expense. In some countries, students trained on actual patients, which had its dangers. Was there a better way? The innovation team at this leading simulator manufacturer had built a prototype that used a dramatically different technology – 3D virtual reality simulation – but needed to test its appeal with end users and purchase decision makers.
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  2. Customer feedback is information coming directly from customers about the satisfaction or dissatisfaction they feel with a product or a service. Customer comments and complaints given to a company are an important resource for improving and addressing the needs and wants of the customer. The information is procured through written or oral surveys, online forms, emails, letters, or phone calls from the customer to the company.
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  3. A Five9 survey shows customer service experience has overtaken price, product quality and all other factors as the top factor for customers when deciding with whom to do business.
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  4. It doesn’t matter how long you’ve been in business, it’s about how you conduct business. Some of the best-known brands have fallen by the wayside because they’ve not kept pace with modern customer needs - they don’t understand the traits and characteristics that define what customers now want.
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  5. If your company is looking to generate feedback through a customer satisfaction survey, you’re not alone. In fact, 84 percent of companies report that they actively seek regular input from their consumers, and 89 percent of companies compete directly with other businesses based on the customer experience alone. This data emphasizes the importance of an effective Voice of the Customer (VoC) program, but unfortunately, many organizations are not using VoC programs to their full potential. Far too many businesses collect the feedback then forget about it during the decision-making process, and all of that rich, relevant data about the consumer experience is wasted.
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  6. Your ability to understand how to meet customer expectations has a significant impact on business strategy and overall success. A voice of the customer program provides you with insights that help deliver a superior customer experience. So, who owns the Voice of Customer? Think of the customer experience as a car. Voice of the Customer data is the fuel that allows that car to move. If you own the car you sure own the gasoline in its tank. Therefore, whoever owns the customer experience owns the voice of customer.
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  7. Still haven’t cracked the code on growth hacking? Don’t worry, it’s probably every bit as mysterious to you as the next startup – so don’t get discouraged. While the term has been around for several years now (since 2010 to be exact), the concept has not yet fully been grasped by everyone. Put simply, growth hacking is the ‘art’ of carrying out rapid experiments across marketing channels and product development with one constant goal – growth. Those capable of achieving this growth using both low-cost solutions and more unconventional marketing methods are referred to as ‘growth hackers’. Want to learn more? Stay tuned for our ‘must-read’ growth hacking guides...
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  8. Customer reviews are a huge factor in B2C buying. But can B2B peer reviews reach the same level of relevance? TrustRadius says yes – here’s how they’re doing it.
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  9. In the two years I’ve been at Gartner, I’ve had hundreds of calls and meetings with clients about customer experience (CX), and I am regularly struck with how misunderstood it remains.

    CX is a hot topic in business today, which is evident not just from the many articles and blog posts you see but because 61 per cent of marketing leaders now report their companies have a CXO (Chief Experience Officer) or an equivalent role (although most do not report into the CMO).
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  10. Does your vision for customer experience match your customers’ vision? If yes, then you’re on your way to customer-centricity, and the growth touted by customer experience management. If your answer is “kinda”, then you’ll be leaving money on the table. Customers are the source of paychecks, budgets and dividends. Being in-sync with the hand that feeds you is common sense that may not be common practice.
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Mopinion: The Leading Voice of customer Tool

Mopinion is a proud sponsor of voice of customer news. The voice of the online customer is taking on an increasingly important role when it comes to improving websites and apps. So web analysts and digital marketeers are making more and more use of Voice of customer Tools in order to collect Voice of customer. Mopinion takes it one step further and offers a solution to analyse and visualise Voice of customer results from your websites and apps wherever you need them. The real challenge for companies is not about capturing feedback, it is about how to make sense of the data.