We held an offsite today. As our team expands, it’s important to connect and learn from each other, and this was one of those rare opportunities.
Engagement Lead Kathleen Hoski led us in an exercise to review our past journey maps, discussing and aligning on best practices. As she led the discussion, something interesting happened.
Even though we were in a room with sixteen people whose job it is to create customer journey maps, we had slightly different ideas as to the exact role of the customer journey maps:
Co-founder of Aircall, Jonathan Anguelov explains to Information Age the future of customer experience and why business leaders need to move away from siloed channels to a fully digitised system, allowing greater interaction.
Numerous studies on customer experience (CX) highlight the crucial role company culture plays in delivering a great customer experience. Yet very few casino operators have addressed cultural issues in their endeavors to improve customer experience.
Organizational culture, simply stated, comprises the values, norms and behaviors that determine the social and psychological environment of the organization. While virtually every gaming company has the word “customer” in its mission statement and values statements, the operational ethos of the workplace is often at odds with the stated mission and values.
Knowing what your customers want, when they want it, and how they’d like it served up to them is not just at the heart of game changing television shows. It’s also the core of developing winning test hypotheses. It’s the why behind the quantitative data – Behind the ‘what’ of quantitative data there is a ‘why’ that informs your copy and gives your visitors an easily navigable path to becoming a customer.
BPM is implemented in an organization to improve business operations. However, organizations are discovering that the capabilities of this platform is helping them become more customer-centric as well. In their efforts to be customer-focused, brands are developing customer journey maps - identifying all points of interactions that a customer has with a brand. And then aligning their business processes to those touch points.
With rising customer expectations, the need to deliver an exceptional customer experience (CX) is at an all-time high. And frankly, the best way to achieve this superior level of CX is to visualise it – which is often done using a process called customer journey mapping. A customer journey map essentially tells the story of the customer’s experience – which starts at the initial point of contact all the way through to a long-term relationship – giving us critical information about key interactions along the way. For this process to be a successful one and because it can be quite complex, many business seek the assistance of customer journey mapping tools.